DIY child workshop: the owlantern

Posted by Anthony Baillard 3 years, 8 months ago

The blue owlantern in the darkDuring the visit of Heloise, a 9-year-old girl, at the Out of Pluto workshop in Lille, a few hours were dedicated to tinkering according to her desire.


The owlantern

The idea for the owl lamp came from Heloise after discovering the possibilities of the available tools: 3D printer, welding station, assembly, prototyping of 3.3V electronic circuits based on arduino ...
Time flies by between researching, explaining, testing and laughing.

The owl itself is a model picked up from Thingiverse here. But all the electronic assembly was imagined then carried out by Héloïse. I was quite surprised at how quickly she felt comfortable in the stripping, tinning and soldering operations. The second owl was welded and assembled in minutes!

To make this owl with your children, find all the instructions on thingiverse in French and in English.

Opened owlanternThe purple owlantern in the darkHéloïse with her owlanternBase of the owlantern


Learn more

Do you want to organize a workshop of this kind for one or more children? Contact us:

Link: All instructions and resources on thingiverse
Link: Tinkercad online 3D modeling software
Link: Fritzing electronic circuit modeling software


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