
Video game development, design and production.
Io Burgard, 2022-2024

SPHINX - Home screenSPHINX - level 1SPHINX - level 2SPHINX - level 2SPHINX - level 3SPHINX - level 3SPHINX - level 4SPHINX - level 4SPHINX arcade cabinetLa borne d'arcade SPHINX au Le Plateau, Paris, 2022The SPHINX controller, for the version exhibited in the CAC La Traverse, Alfortville, 2024. Photo credits: Marc DommageSPHINX, installation view at the CAC La Traverse, Alfortville, 2024. Photo credits: Marc Dommage

Out of Pluto has been working with Io Burgard and billie_ness on the creation of the video game SPHINX. Imagined by Io and pupils of the class ULIS of Beau soleil high school, the game is a sculptural universe irrigated with a liquid and reflective material, which like the soundtrack, takes on each game the form that the player gives it, often without knowing.

In collaboration with the 3D designer Lauren Sanchez and the musician Pierre Lucas, the game was developped for two different environments: an arcade cabinet and an Internet browser.
An pre-release version was installed at the FRAC IdF, Le Plateau in October 2022. The full version of the game was released in February 2024 and is now available online here: https://noosphinx.com.

For investigating gamers, there are three easter eggs in the game.

To know more 

Technologies : HTML, CSS3, three.js and webGL, VueJS, arduino
Link: Play SPHINX
Link: Io Burgard at Gallery Maïa Muller
Link: billie_ness website
Link: Lauren Sanchez Calero website
Link: FRAC Ile-de-France website