Meet Plutino!

Posted by Anthony Baillard 8 years, 6 months ago

Plutino is a teddy bear. But not any teddy bear. He comes from Pluto and waves hello at you when you come in! He also waves you good bye when you leave.



More information

Source code and electric scheme (fritzing) are available here:

Involved parts are :

  • an arduino mini v5
  • an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
  • a servomotor (mini)
  • a USB connector
  • wire
  • rubber band
  • heavy metal cup


And some pictures of how Plutino's womb looks like:

Plutino's squeleton: a metal cup, a servomotor and an arm made of wire His squeleton is made of a metal cup, a servomotor and an arm made of wire. Obviously, you can adapt this squeleton to match the shape you need, but try to use something heavy enough so that your teddy bear does not move around or fall.


Plutino's womb: an arduino mini This is the arduino mini with all the components soldered. Bottom right is the power supply (white USB cable). Next to it, the red and black wires to give power to the servomotor. The white cable is the signal for the servomotor. On the upper part of the picture are the four wires that go to the ultrasonic sensor. You can also notice the three connectors that are used to connect to the serial to USB adapter to change Plutino's behaviour. 


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