Technostalgia naming

Posted by Anthony Baillard 1 year, 6 months ago

ATARI 520STFAt Out of Pluto, we name our servers after old Atari ST games. A quick review!

Here is a list of Atari ST games that were part of my childhood. I keep paying a tribute to them every time I connect using ssh to one of our servers!

  • silkworm (developed by Random Access) hosts our services and online tools.
  • swiv (aka Silkworm IV, developed by Random Access) is our development server.
  • starglider (developed by Argonaut) hosts some of our customers' services.
  • the sentinel (by Firebird) hosts some of our customers' services.
  • xenon (developed by the incredible Bitmap Brothers) hosts some of our customers' websites.
  • arkanoïd (developed by Imagine) is our backup server.

Silkworm title screenSilkworm in game screenSWIV title screenSWIV  in game screenStarglider title screenStarglider in game screenThe Sentinel title screenThe Sentinel in game screenXenon title screenXenon in game screenArkanoïd title screenArkanoïd in game screen


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Link: Universal Videogame List (where most of the screenshots come from, except for The Sentinel)